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Fire Protection Equipment Personnel Act ( 2023.06.21 Announced )   Ch

Chapter 4 Associations

Article 19
After receiving a license to practice, a fire protection equipment personnel shall not practice the profession unless otherwise joining a Fire Protection Equipment Engineers’ Association or a Fire Protection Equipment Technicians’ Association of the local municipality or county (city), whereas the Fire Protection Equipment Engineers’ Association or the Fire Protection Equipment Technicians’ Association shall not refuse licensed fire protection equipment personnel from joining the membership of the Fire Protection Equipment Engineers’ Association or Fire Protection Equipment Technicians’ Association.Fire protection equipment personnel joining professional associations as stated in the preceding paragraph shall pay their membership dues in accordance with the articles of the association.
Article 20
Fire Protection Equipment Engineers’ Associations or Fire Protection Equipment Technicians’ Associations shall be established in municipalities or counties (cities) at the local level, whereas the National Associations of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers and the National Associations of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians shall be established at the national level.The number of associations at the same level within the same administrative jurisdiction shall be restricted to one.
Those National Associations of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers and National Associations of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians registered prior to the enforcement of this Act shall complete their reorganization in accordance with the provisions of this Act within one year from the date this Act becomes in force.
Article 21
For a given municipality or county (city) with at least nine Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or Fire Protection Equipment Technicians registered for a license to practice, a Fire Protection Equipment Engineers’ Association or a Fire Protection Equipment Technicians’ Association shall be established in the municipality or county (city) at the local level.For those municipalities or counties (cities) where either one of the associations fails to be established, or with less than nine fire protection equipment personnel, fire protection equipment personnel may join either one of the Fire Protection Equipment Engineers’ Associations/ Fire Protection Equipment Technicians’ Associations in a neighboring municipality or county (city).
A National Association of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or a National Association of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians shall be organized by at least seven Fire Protection Equipment Engineers’ Associations or seven Fire Protection Equipment Technicians’ Associations, respectively, from the municipal or county (city) level.
The requirements for organizing the various associations in the preceding paragraphs shall apply unless otherwise specially approved by the central competent authority.
Article 22
Each Fire Protection Equipment Engineers’ Association or each Fire Protection Equipment Technicians’ Association of a municipality or county (city) shall, within six months from the date of completion of the organization, join a National Association of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or a National Association of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians.The National Association of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or the National Associations of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians shall not refuse a municipal or county (city) FSEEA or FSETA from joining the membership of the NAFSEE or NAFSET.
Fire Service Equipment Engineers’ Associations (FSEEAs) or Fire Protection Equipment Technicians’ Associations (FSETAs) of a municipality or county (city) shall forward the membership information of its members to a National Association of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or National Associations of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians for registration, filing, and reference.
Article 23
Associations of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or associations of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians at all levels shall forward information, such as their articles of association, registers of members, and registers of profiles of selected staff, to the competent authority in charge of association affairs, for filing and reference, within thirty (30) days from the next day of the registration approval date by the competent authority.
Article 24
Articles of associations of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or associations of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians at all levels shall relate the following matters:
1.Name, region, and location of the association premises;
2.Purposes, organization, and tasks of the association;
3.Membership enrollment and withdrawal procedures;
4.Rights and obligations of members;
5.Reserved seats for, and authority, tenure, appointment and dismissal of, Chair, Executive Directors, Executive Supervisors, Directors, Supervisors, Alternate Directors, and Alternate Supervisors;
6.Procedures for convening, and norms for conducting, general assemblies of members (member representatives), meetings of Board of Directors, and meetings of Board of Supervisors;
7.Relevant norms for suspension of a member’s rights upon his/her violation of the provisions prescribed in the articles of association, or by the association;
8.Organization and enforcement norms of disciplinary committees.
9.Membership fees, appropriations, and accounting;
10.Procedures for amending the articles of association; and
11.Other matters necessary for administrative affairs of the association.
Article 25
Associations of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or associations of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians at all levels shall respectively convene a general assembly once a year, and may, as necessary, convene extraordinary assemblies.
Where the number of members of one individual Fire Service Protection Engineers’ Association or Fire Protection Equipment Technicians’ Association of a municipality or county (city) exceeds 300, its organization may be subdivided by area as per provisions of the Articles of Association for the election of member representatives, according to the percentage of members by area.General assemblies of member representatives then shall be convened to perform the authority of the general assembly of members.
Where a proposal is made by at least one-fifth of the members (member representatives), or a resolution is reached by Board of Supervisors, the proposed matters and reasons may be explicitly recorded in writing, and Board of Directors can be requested to convene an extraordinary assembly.
Where a request is proposed as stated in the preceding paragraph, in case an extraordinary assembly is not convened within 30 days by Board of Directors, those members (member representatives) proposing such request, or Board of Supervisors reaching a resolution on the proposal, may convene an extraordinary assembly conference on their own initiative, with the permission of the competent authority in charge of association affairs.
Article 26
Associations of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or associations of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians at all levels shall appoint Directors and Supervisors to be elected by general assemblies of members (member representatives), where the seats reserved for the related positions are as follows:
1.No more than 15 Directors for the Fire Protection Equipment Engineers’ Association (FSEEA) or the Fire Protection Equipment Technicians’ Association of a county (city);
2.No more than 25 Directors for the Fire Protection Equipment Engineers’ Association or the Fire Protection Equipment Technicians’ Association of a municipality;
3.No more than 35 Directors for a National Association of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or a National Association of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians .
4.The number of Supervisors of associations of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or associations of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians at all levels shall not exceed one-third of the total number of Directors within the same association.
5.Associations of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or associations of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians at all levels may appoint Alternate Directors and Alternate Supervisors, where the total number of Alternate Directors and Alternate Supervisors shall not exceed one-third of the number of Directors and Supervisors, respectively, within the same association.
Where there are three or more Directors or Supervisors within an association as stated in the preceding subparagraphs, Executive Directors and Executive Supervisors may be elected among Directors and Supervisors themselves, respectively, with the restriction that the number of Executive Directors or Executive Supervisors shall not exceed one-third of the total number of Directors or Supervisors, respectively, within the same association.Where there are three or more Executive Supervisors, one Convener of the Board of Supervisors shall be elected among Executive Supervisors themselves.
Associations of Fire Service Equipment Engineers or associations of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians at all levels shall appoint one Chair, where the appointment of the Chair shall be handled in one of the following ways:
1.Chair is elected among Executive Directors by Directors, or among Directors themselves by Directors when there are no Executive Directors in place;
2.Ex Officio Directors and Executive Directors are elected among Directors by members (member representatives).
The tenure of Directors and Supervisors shall be three years.Those Directors and Supervisors who are re-elected for continuous tenures shall not exceed one-half of the total number of Directors and Supervisors.The Chair may only be re-elected to serve one consecutive turn.
Article 27
When general assemblies of members (member representatives) are convened by associations of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or associations of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians at all levels, the competent authorities and the competent authorities in charge of association affairs may be present at such assemblies to provide guidance.
Article 28
Associations of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or associations of Fire Protection Equipment Technicians at all levels shall report the following matters to the competent authorities, and the competent authorities in charge of association affairs, for filing and reference:
1.Changes to the articles of association;
2.Changes to registers of members;
3.Changes to registers of staff;
4.Particulars of election of Directors and Supervisors, and the names of the persons elected;
5.Dates, time, venues, and particulars of general assemblies of members (member representatives), meetings of Board of Directors, and meetings of Board of Supervisors;
6.Matters of proposals and resolutions.
Article 29
Where any one of the associations of Fire Protection Equipment Engineers or associations of Fire Protection e Equipment Technicians at all levels violates laws, regulations, or its articles of association; or, encumbers public welfare, the competent authorities may warn the association, rescind the resolutions of the association, suspend whole or a part of the association’s business, and order the association to improve within a specified time limit.In case improvement is not made within the specified time limit, or in serious circumstances: the association may be subject to the following penalties:
1.Dismissal of Directors and Supervisors of the association;
2.Specifying a time limit for improvement;
3.Revocation of the license of the association.
4.Dissolution of the association.