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Fire Protection Equipment Personnel Act ( 2023.06.21 Announced )   Ch

Chapter 2 Practicing the profession

Article 6
A fire protection equipment personnel with a fire protection equipment personnel certificate and two or more years of practical experience in fire service shall not practice the profession unless a license to practice as a fire protection equipment personnel is issued by the competent authority of the municipality or county (city) where the firm, corporation, limited partnership, trade, or other type of professional institution, engineering or technical consulting firm, or premises (hereinafter referred to as “profession-practicing institution”) being registered is located, after an application for business registration is made, along with related supporting documents, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 7 below.
The issuance of a license to practice as a fire protection equipment personnel by competent authorities of municipalities or counties (cities) shall be made public and reported to the central competent authority for filing and reference.The revocation or nullification of such licenses shall be subject to the same procedure.
Article 7
Fire protection equipment personnel shall practice their profession in any one of the following ways:
1.Set up an independent firm or organize a joint firm;
2.Set up a corporation, a limited partnership, a trade, or other type of professional institution listing installation or maintenance of fire service equipment among its registered practice items;
3.Employed by a firm specified in Paragraph 1 or by a corporation, a limited partnership, a trade, or other type of professional institution specified in the preceding paragraph;
4.Employed by an engineering or technical consulting firm as permitted and registered under the Act Governing the Administration of Professional Engineering Consulting Firms;
5.Employed in a premises subject to maintenance of fire service equipment in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Services Act.
In Subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, the firm can only be set up at one location branch office are not permitted.Fire protection equipment personnel are limited to practicing their profession with a single profession-practicing institution, whereas their professional practice may cover areas across the country.
Article 8
The license to practice as a fire protection equipment personnel shall be valid for six years.Within three months prior to the expiry of the license to practice, an application for renewal of the license shall be made by the fire protection equipment personnel to the competent authority of the municipality or county (city), along with supporting documents covering the past six years, showing the completion of professional training or its equivalent offered by central authorities or other institutions (/institutes), schools, or groups recognized by the central authorities.
Matters regarding procedures, mandatory supporting documents, and methods for reviewing and approving qualifications, as well as the nullification of the previously approved qualifications, of the institutions (/institutes), schools, or groups offering the professional training as provided in the preceding paragraph, shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.Also, matters regarding training hours, subjects, fees charged, training approaches of comparable effect, and regulations governing other matters for compliance, shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
Article 9
Upon instances such as voluntary cessation, resumption, or closure of professional practice; changes of practicing items registered on the license to practice; or relocation of the profession-practicing institution within the same, or beyond original municipality or county (city), an application/ a report shall be made/filed by the fire protection equipment personnel to the original registration authority, along with his/her license to practice, within 30 days from the date of the instance, for the following matters as provided below:
1.Voluntary cessation or resumption of professional practice shall be reported for filing and reference.
2.Closure of professional practice shall be reported for nullification of the license to practice.
3.Changes of items registered on the license to practice shall be applied for approval.
4.Relocation of the profession-practicing institution within the same, or beyond the original, municipality or county (city) shall be applied for approval of the transfer or change of registration.The competent authority of the municipality or county (city) where the profession-practicing institution is relocated or where the profession-practicing institution newly employing the fire protection equipment personnel is located, shall issue a new license to practice and inform the original competent authority in charge of registration to nullify the original license to practice, upon receiving the notification from the original competent authority in charge of registration.
Ceasing professional practice as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be limited to a period of one year.In case professional practice has ceased for one year or more, the practicing institution shall be closed.
Matters regarding new registration and registration change, review and approval, and re-issuance or replacement of license to practice of fire protection equipment personnel, as well as the approval of transfer or change of registration, and cessation/ resumption/ closure/ relocation/ change of the profession-practice institutions, as provided in the preceding paragraph, shall be prescribed by the central competent authority, including matters such as relevant application procedures, mandatory supporting documents, and regulations governing other matters for compliance.
Article 10
The central competent authority shall establish a database of fire protection equipment personnel for competent authorities of municipalities or counties (cities) to register the following information:
1.Name, gender, residence, and ID document number;
2.Date of birth;
3.Practice methods;
4.Name and location of the profession-practicing institution;
5.Document number of the fire protection equipment personnel certificate;
6.Document number, date of issuance, and valid period of the license to practice;
7.Types and causes for commendations and reprimands;
8.Changes in registered particulars;
9.Dates for the commencement, cessation, resumption, and closure of professional practice.
The name, gender, and items covered in Subparagraphs 3 to 9 of the preceding paragraph may be made public by the competent authorities for the purpose of promoting public interest.
Article 11
Under any one of the following circumstances, a license to practice shall not be issued, or shall be revoked or voided if it was already issued:
1.A fire protection equipment personnel certificate shall be revoked or voided in accordance with the provisions of Article 5;
2.The declaration of guardian assistance or against the fire protection equipment personnel is still enforceable without yet being terminated;
3.The declaration of bankruptcy against the fire protection equipment personnel is still enforceable without his/her rights and privileges being reinstated; or
4.As per objective facts, the fire protection equipment personnel becomes incapable of practicing the profession due to physical or mental conditions, which are recognized by the competent authority of the municipality or county (city), based on the opinions of more than two specialist physicians in related fields, commissioned and consulted by the authority.
However, after the elimination of the circumstances specified in Subparagraphs 2 to 4 of the preceding paragraph, an application may still be made by a fire protection equipment personnel for a license to practice, in accordance with the provisions of this Act.