
檢索項目: 法規名稱 條文內容
中文法規 English
1 內政部消防署組織條例 The Organization Act of National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior
2 消防法 Fire Services Act
3 消防法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of Fire Services Act
4 災害防救法 Disaster Prevention and Protection Act
5 協助執行災害防救工作民間志願組織認證辦法 Regulations For Authentication of Civic Voluntary Organizations Assisting in Disaster Prevention and Protection Works
6 風災震災火災爆炸火山災害救助種類及標準 Categories and Standards of Assistance for Windstorm, Earthquake, Fire, Explosion and Volcanic Disasters
7 災害防救法施行細則 The Enforcement Rules of Disaster Prevention and Protection Act
8 災害搜救費用繳納辦法 Regulations for Payment of Expense for Disaster Search and Rescue
9 公共危險物品及可燃性高壓氣體製造儲存處理場所設置標準暨安全管理辦法 Standards for Establishing Places for Manufacturing, Storing, Processing Public Hazardous Substances and Flammable Pressurized Gases, and Regulations on Safety Control of such Places
10 各類場所消防安全設備設置標準 Standard for Installation of Fire Safety Devices based on Use and Occupancy
11 義勇消防組織編組訓練演習服勤辦法 Regulations for the Organization Procedure, Training Program, Drill and Service of the Voluntary Fire Fighters
12 直轄市縣市消防車輛裝備及其人力配置標準 Fire Engine, Equipment and Manpower Allocation Standards for the Municipality, County and City
13 緊急救護辦法 Regulations for Emergency Medical Services
14 爆竹煙火管理條例 Fireworks Management Act
15 爆竹煙火管理條例施行細則 Enforcement Rules of Firework and Firecracker Management Act
16 電波傳輸障礙防止區域建築物改善或使用補償辦法 Compensation Regulations for building improvements/building usage in radio waves blockage prevention areas
17 消防設備人員法 Fire Protection Equipment Personnel Act